Monday, 18 April 2011

GHS Scholarships - The Goffstown Edge

GHS Scholarships - The Goffstown Edge


Apply for Lion’s Club Scholarship

Seniors, it’s time to apply for the Lions Club Nathan A. Tirrelll Scholarships.  To apply, stop by the Goffstown High School guidance office and question for a local scholarship application form.  The Lions Scholarship Committee seats heavy emphasis in their pronouncement upon your community service hard work.  Be thorough and explicit in your answers regarding your community service.  The committee also weighs financial need and academic achievement in its selection process.  Nate Tirrell, the Lion who is memorialized with the scholarships, was a New Hampshire state representative, a New Hampshire state senator and finished his biased career as the legislative sergeant-at-arms for many being.  He had a long career as a mail carrier, beginning with a horse and buggy, continuing well into the horseless carriage days.  But his favorite all-time occupation was being a farmer.  He devoted himself to a life of community service, and he attended each Lions Club assembly in anticipation of a year before his death at the age of 97.

The Sandra E. Ellison Memorial Scholarships

The Sandra E. Ellison Memorial Scholarships will, in accordance with the Sandra E. Ellison Revocable Trust, be awarded annually to two worthy graduating high school seniors who are residents of Goffstown.  Two scholarships will be awarded on the basis of need to one worthy graduating female and one worthy graduating male.  These scholarships are available to residents of Goffstown graduating from Goffstown High School, and also to Goffstown residents graduating from other high schools.  Applications for the Sandra E. Ellison Memorial Scholarships are available at the Goffstown Public Library, the Goffstown Town Hall and the Goffsown High School guidance department.  Scholarship applications and all of the supporting materials must be submitted to Martha Benton, scholarship coordinator, at Goffstown High School, 27 Wallace Road, Goffstown, NH 03045.  Appplication deadline is postmarked by May 13.

Read the original post:
GHS Scholarships – The Goffstown Edge

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