Cultural Talent Search Scholarship Scheme (CCRT) - 2011 India
The Cultural Talent Search Scholarship Scheme(CCRT) is a national level scholarship for the exceptional talented children in the age limit of 10 to 14 in the various cultural fields including the traditional form of arts, drama, painting, music, sculpture and craft etc. especially the rare forms of art.
The Scholarship will be given to the 520 outstanding talented children in specific categories and the amount awarded will be Rs.3600/- per year and the tuition fee for expert training is reimbursable up to Rs.9000/- per year.
CCRT Reservation
Out of the 520 Scholarship, about 125 are reserved to the children coming from the families who are performing and practicing traditional arts etc. and 20 are allotted to the specially challenged children. Also the Children having exceptional talent and whose parents earn less than Rs.6000/month will have a preference in getting the award.
Cultural Talent Search Scholarship Eligibility
The talented students under the age limit of 10 to 14 studying in the recognized school or those who are belonging to the families practicing these type of arts etc. are eligible for applying the Scholarship.
Application procedure for CCRT scholarship
The filled in prescribed form for a particular field/subject should be submitted directly to the CCRT, New Delhi by the parents along with the necessary recommendation from the school/institution and also with the consent from the teacher/trainer. Children belonging to the families practicing traditional art are also need to fill the application form and submitted to CCRT with the Guru/trainer's recommendation. Children who are already under the benefit of the scholarship are not eligible for new scholarship.
Selection for scholarship
The CCRT form a Central selection committee and the committee is responsible for short listing the candidates and the decision of the committee is final. The shortlisted candidates are required to appear for the final round of interview/test according to the informed date. To the selected candidates training from an institution where all the facilities of the specialized field are given. They are permitted to undergo training under an approved guru or teacher while being allowed to take the academic studies in a recognized school. But the decision on the choice of the course of specialization and the guru will be finalized by CCRT.
Contact Address
Centre for Cultural Resources and Training Headquarters,15A, Sector – 17, Dwarka, New Delhi – 110 075, Email : /,
Website :
CCRT Regional Centre, 3B, Ambavgarh, near Swarup Sagar, Udaipur – 313 001, Rajasthan,
Telefax : 0294-2430771,
Email : /
Enquiry Details
CCRT, New Delhi Ph: 011-4715100, Extn 337 / 338,
CCRT, Rajasthan Ph: 0294-2430764, 3291577
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Cultural Talent Search Scholarship Scheme (CCRT) – 2011 India
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