Friday, 18 March 2011

==++Jun Yee World++==: New 'house'

==++Jun Yee World++==: New 'house'

Finally,I registered everything for my uni. It was not simple mainly with all those forms i fill in.
Registration form,scholarship form,hostel form,sibbling discount form…etc.
Then i have to do for sis too since she dont really care in this area her college. And that bone idle yik question me to help out with scholarship form.
And those admin public speak this and that speak that,lots of contradiction and problems.
Finally,i need to calculate the cost and submit to dad. Sounds so proper haha.
It was not low-cost. Just me lonely for the first sem cost 10k with deducting the 50% scholarship.

Really everything is ok except the hostel part. I reckon i argue with family with this issue for uncountable times.
Firstly,the hostel is freaking pricey. I am sleeping a twin allotment room with sis. My room cost rm730 per person. And i am staying with my sis,total is rm730 multiply 2 = Rm1460. Rm1460 for a room which is less vital than my home sweet home bedroom. I heard from swee yie her TARC hostel charge rm700+ for a sem. == And i heard if you rent the confidential condo,it cost much much cheaper.

Seconly,i despise policy. We have curfew,and my acquaintances and family cant visit my unit,no cooking etc etc. Its not that i will come back home every midnight,its not that i will bring my whole classmate to my house and party. That is not a matter. But i dont like the feeling of being control. I get tensed easily and these policy kinda make me mad. Imagine,i have a income room with tv and sofa but no guest is allowed. !@#$%^&*!!!!!!!Plus,i paying rm730 every months and yet i get no freedom to my own “place”.

Thirdly,the confidential condo is even nearer than my hostel. @#$%^&*!!!

I have more than ten reasons last time. Aptly now a bit gek dong only plotting of three.=p

At my pre u,i stay at a confidential apartment construction(with debating with parents for lots of time). I do come home at 1am and i do bring some acquaintances to visit once in a blue moon. But i have my reasons. I come home late since i doing investigate and releasing stress at college,not pub not cc not disco. And i bring my classmate to my apartment construction to assemble examine!! Even my mum visited me every month and stay with me two weeks before. When i am writing this,gosh,that confidential apartment construction is like heaven.

Look at the excellent side,my room is not terrible. I got my own personal balcony which belongs to only me and sis. The view is really gorgeous. Its facing sunway lagoon. =p. My previous aprtment is facing shop lots witl a lot of crows and mouse. I can see those breaker coaster from my condo. And rumor has it that its reasonably safe as we have wardens and guards. They a swimming pool too(my previous apartment construction also have one). And my room is much much larger than my previous apartment construction room.

Anyway,mum feel shocked when she heard she herself cant visit our unit. Which means excellent news,i am moving out with the compulsory three months stay.

Meanwhile,i will make sure i delight in this three months.Dear establish a kuantan supporter union us. And my taylor classmate union this programme too! I am a bit excited =D

Read more here:
==++Jun Yee World++==: New 'house'

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